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Comparison of Reproductive Performance of Brahman Crossbred Females with other Available Cattle Genotypes in Mymensingh District

Apurba Adhikary, Mohammad Mahbubul, A.K. Fazlul Haque Bhuiyan, Md. Azharul Hoque.


Objectives: The study was conducted to evaluate the reproductive performance of Brahman crossbred females and compare them with other available cattle genotypes found in Mymensingh district. Methodology: Reproductive performance data on 35 Brahman crossbreds, 32 Indigenous, 12 Sahiwal crossbreds and 21 Friesian crossbreds were collected from three different villages (Baera, Bhabkhali and Dowhakhola) adjacent to Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Statistical analyses were performed using Statistical Analysis System (SAS) computer program. Key findings: Reproductive performance of Brahman crossbred were recorded as age at first service: 32.29 ± 1.46 months, age at first calving: 42.00 ± 1.49 months, service per conception: 1.7 ± 0.17, overall conception rate: 0.76 ± 0.05 (76.11%), conception at first service: 0.63 ± 0.08 (62.85%) and gestation length: 282.97 ± 0.78 days. Highly significant (p

Key words: Reproductive traits, Indigenous, Brahman-, Sahiwal-, Friesian-crossbreds

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