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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 357-360

Prevalence of aggressive periodontitis in patients visiting Dow Dental College, DUHS, Karachi, Pakistan

Saaduddin Siddiqui, Sajjad Ali Darvesh, Irum Naz, Hassaan Ul Qamar, Raheel Rehman Allana, Syed Kashif Abrar.


Objective: To determine the prevalence of aggressive periodontitis (AP) in patients visiting Dow Dental College.
Methodology: This cross-sectional single center survey was performed at Periodontology Department, Dow Dental College, Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Karachi Pakistan. A total of 5390 patients were screened for AP. Periodontal status was assessed by measuring the clinical attachment level, pocketing depth and gingival recession. Those with provisional diagnosis of AP were further evaluated with Orthopantogram and peri-apical radiograph to confirm the diagnosis.
Results: Out of 5390 patients, 300 had confirmed the diagnosis of AP showing prevalence of 5.56%. Statistical significance was found between the age group, gender and the incidence of both types of AP.
Conclusion: The prevalence rate of AP in this survey was 5.56 %. This prevalence of AP is highly inconsistent globally and systemic approach if this is to be resolved.

Key words: Aggressive periodontitis, periodontal probing, clinical attachment loss.

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