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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7628-7634

An Examination Of The Manufacturing And Electrical Properties Of Heterobimetallic Compounds Based On Chalcones For Dithioligands

Ashutosh Dixit, Parvesh Saini, Manish Kumar Lila.


The semi-conducting electronic material industry is in need of new semiconducting materials with suitable band gap ranges. It has been reported that a number of dithio compounds have good semiconducting characteristics. In the current study, heterobimetallic complexes with variable temperature solid-state electrical conductivity are synthesised, characterised, and studied. [M= Cu(II), Zn(II), and M′= Fe(II), Ni(II), and Co(II). Elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H & 13C-NMR, UV-Visible, powder XRD, and solid- state electrical conductivity have all been used to describe these compounds. The electrical conductivity of these compounds ranges from rt = 2.1 10-5 to 8.8 105 (Scm-1)

Key words: Heterobimetallic, Chalcone, Semiconductor, dithio complexes, Electrical conductivity

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