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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7644-7654

An Examination Of The Use Of Embedded Sensors In Industrial Equipment And Facilities

Varij Panwar, Anurag Vidyarthi, Sandeep Sunori.


A sensor is certainly a device that produces an output by sensing variations in quantities or measurements. As a result of changes in the inputs, sensors typically generate an electrical signal or visual output signal. Analog sensors and digital monitors can both be essentially confidential. However, just a few sensor types, including temperature sensors, infrared sensors, pressure transducers, motion detectors, and image sensor, are worn regularly in almost all electronic applications. By using a multimeter and applying force to the sensor area, the resistance could be slowly reduced. In this regard, sensors frequently serve as the central component of their products and services and, through the careful implementation of important practise criteria, have a significant influence on the value, economic good organisation, and safety of the application.

Key words: Temperature sensor, Touch sensor, Pressure sensor. PIR, multimeter

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