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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7655-7666

A Critical Analysis Of Mba Graduates' Employability, Particularly In Relation To Institutions In Bengaluru City

Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Narendra Singh Bohra,Dibyahash Bordoloi.


Nowadays, having an MBA is a requirement in order to get a job. The glamour and prospects provided by management institutes seduce gifted young people. Indian MBA programmers have greatly increased in recent years. Politicians with personal agendas and a few educators tout the current educational system as perfect. The MBA seats that are unfilled cause confusion among the pupils and their parents. The value of MBA education has decreased primarily due to mushroomed Management institutes, oversupply, poor reliability, under skilled faculty, low salaries, an absence of work experience, a lack of experience in the industry, a lack of institutional relationships with businesses, a lack of fundamental abilities among students, etc. As a result, MBA grads are not looking for jobs as much as they would want. In light of this, the researcher believes it is important to explore the thoughts of MBA seekers, their management skill development, the costs they suffer, and the actual advantages they receive. Both secondary and primary data were used in the current study to evaluate the students' current situation. The current study focuses on students' educational accomplishments, diverse skill development, work options, and obstacles in their placements, if any.

Key words: MBA requirement, MBA programmers, MBA seekers, management skill development, accomplishments, work options

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