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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7687-7699

An Investigation Into Small Tourism Company Networks And The Creation Of Destinations

Narendra Singh Bohra, Vrince Vimal.


The investigation of how small-business networking influences the growth of tourist attractions is the main topic of this article. The fieldwork will be conducted in a remote rural area. A complete conceptual framework that discusses a literature review, the background of a current investigation, and the methods being employed is presented. Although small tourism business study is still in its infancy, the examination demonstrates a rising knowledge of the role of networks in traditional business research. Additionally, there is little to no direct investigation on the networks of businesses that together support tourism inside a destination. Studies on destination marketing is also examined, with the rural setting receiving special attention. The discussion of destination models includes new insights from contemporary chaos-based theories. Within the concept of the destination, networks are created.

Key words: Tourism Company Networks , literature review, current investigation, traditional business research, chaos-based theories

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