The growth of entrepreneurial businesses is supported by the usage of business incubators (BI), which are examined, investigated, and identified in this essay. A comprehensive business services programmer is used in the public and/or private enterprise set - up process to create and speed up the development and success of start-up businesses and business ideas. Both academics and business professionals assert that BI has the ability to diversify markets, commercialize innovations, create employment, and increase wealth. Therefore, the goal of the study is to identify and build, depending on the successful application of case studies, the best practice of BI process. In this study, desk analysis and case studies of 10 incubator groups in underdeveloped nations were used as research approaches. The results of this study suggest that business incubators are a useful and creative tool for assisting new enterprises. The empirical findings point out a few implications for creating and putting into practice best practices for company incubation programmers. This study adds to our understanding of the BI process.
Key words: Business incubator, Entrepreneurial businesses grow, Diversify markets, Commercialize innovations, Create employment, Increase wealth