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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7761-7768

An Investigation At The Growth Of Women Entrepreneurs In India

Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Niharika Varshney, Mandakini Sharma.


Development of human resources must include the growth of women entrepreneurs. India has an extremely low level of development for female entrepreneurs, particularly in rural regions. Women's entrepreneurship has recently become a source of worry. Women are now more conscious of their rights, existence, and employment circumstances. Upper class families in major centres are more aware of the improvement. The focus of this essay is female business owners. Any understanding of Indian women, of their identities, and particularly of the roles they take and new paths they forge, will fall short without taking a trip through the historical corridors of India where women have lived and internalised a variety of role models.

Key words: Growth Of Women Entrepreneurs, Rights, Existence, Internalized A Variety And Employment Circumstances

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