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BMB. 2021; 6(1): 0-0

Contribution of Endorectal Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography to Operation Strategy in Rectal Cancer

Yurdakul Deniz Fırat, Gökhan Cipe, Coşkun Çakır, Hüseyin Kazım Bektaşoğlu, Sinan Arıcı, Mahmut Müslümanoğlu.


Introduction: Colorectal cancer is the most common type of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. Preoperative staging is important for applying appropriate treatment modalities. The role of ERUS, MRI and PET-CT in rectal cancer patients was evaluated.
Methods: Between October 2010 – April 2012, 30 rectal cancer patients who were diagnosed with rectal cancer clinically and histopathologically were evaluated prospectively with ERUS, MR and PET-CT preoperatively and results were compared with histopathologic findings.
Results: 21 of 30 cases received neoadjuvant treatment. All patients were evaluated with MRI, ERUS and PET-CT preoperatively. For T and N staging,MRI and ERUS did not show statistically significant differences. PET-CT detected false positive distant metastasis in three patients.
Conclusion: Efficacy of routine use of PET-CT on staging, evaluation of T, N and extramesorectal spread could not be shown.

Key words: Rectum Cancer, Imaging Methods, PET-CT

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