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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7822-7828

Prediction And Monitoring Of Crime Rate Using K- Means Algorithm In Machine Learning

Dibyahash Bordoloi, Durgaprasad Gangodkar.


A crime is nothing but the illegal or any malpractice done by someone can by punished by the government. This is done when an individual does a cross violation of law, offence against morality or any criminal activities. The types of crime includes felonies, misdemeanors, inchoate offenses and strict liability offenses. The state and central government decides the sort of conduct. The crime rate is increasing due to several illegal activities. By proper monitoring and identification, the illegal activities can be avoided. These activities may mislead the upcoming generations to follow and get into violence. These activities are monitored and predicted by using machine learning through K means algorithm. This is a technique used for clustering of data that are used in the unsupervised machine learning. Thus the increasing crime rate can be predicted and can be monitored easily.

Key words: Malpractice, law, Government, K-means alogorithm, unsupervised machine learning.

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