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Review Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7829-7834

Development And Implementation Of Improved Rural Transportation System Using Artificial Neural Network

Bhasker Pant, Dibyahash Bordoloi.


The transportation system plays an important role in the expansion of a country’s economic growth. The transport is a way of communication network that makes to import and export goods at different regions. The increase in economic growth depends on the import and export that is done globally. For these networks, the transport system is essential. The advanced transportation system also helps an individual to move from one place to other with lesser cost and time. Each and every facilities are available and increases rapidly in the urban areas. When compared to urban areas, the rural areas are much different and lesser developed in the transportation system. They are due to the lesser population growth and may also cause due to the migration of people from rural to urban areas. Thus the proposed system enhances to develop the rural transportation system using the artificial neural network. This uses the genetic algorithm to obtain the desired optimum output.

Key words: Transportation system, communication, artificial neural network, genetic algorithm

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