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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7835-7844

Monitoring And Analysis Of Physical Health Care System Through Diet Using Artificial Intelligence

Dibyahash Bordoloi, Kumud Pant.


As the quote stated ‘ Health is wealth’ gives a complete definition for an individual. To remain physically and mentally healthy, a person should maintain a diet so that every essential components that body needs can be obtained. Everyone has a dream of having a physically fit body, to obtain a physically fit health condition, the diet system must followed in their day to day life of an individual. The proposed diet management system is employed to monitor the day to day activities and gives alert to every single health concern through notifications. The amount of water that consumed and needed to consume, carbohydrates, protiens, minerals, fatty acids, sugar and salt levels are detected and monitored through the system through the artificial intelligence. Hence the proposed system plays a versatile role in the development of physical health through monitoring and remainding through notifications.

Key words: Health , Care , System , Artificial , Intelligence

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