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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7875-7881

Internet-Of-Things For Automated Parking Space Booking System

Devesh Pratap Singh, Prabhdeep Singh, Vrince Vimal, Vikas Tripathi.


Nowadays, automobile usage is increasing, and there is a high need for parking management systems in places such as offices, universities, malls, tourist attractions, and many more. The automatic parking guide system is much needed in recent days to avoid traffic and confusion. Research is being conducted in software technologies to develop a programme or website that would lead the car user to the proper parking place. However, they frequently fail due to a lack of understanding among the general public. The Internet of Things is a developing field that can read the physical environment, interpret input, and provide an output based on the circumstances. This research develops a web programme to automatically assist parking based on the available space using image processing technology. The system is built with a high-resolution camera and a Raspberry Pi 4. The proposed system can identify the presence and absence of a car and direct it to the most efficient parking spot in a busy region.

Key words: Internet of things, Image processing, Raspberry pi, Parking management

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