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Review Article

SJEMed. 2021; 2(1): 85-91

Techniques and tools used in trauma patients transfer: a review

Albraa F. Shodari, Majdah A. Almaghrabi, Sarah A. Basindwah, Banan F. Alhazmi, Salah M. Fallatah.


Secondary spinal cord injury is a major concern for trauma patients. Thereby, proposing the necessity for the development and application of spinal immobilization techniques to guarantee minimal motion during transfer of the patients from the trauma scene to the trauma care center. Thus, this review aimed to provide an updated summary of the different techniques and tools used for the transfer of trauma patients with suspected spine injury. A retrospective PubMed search was conducted to collect the data for the most common methods used and effective tools and techniques for spinal immobilization. The log roll technique is commonly used in trauma settings and is recommended for prone patients. However, the hardboard is still preferable transferring tool, and the scoop stretcher is recommended to aid a more successful lift and slide. The trauma care providers should be aware of different transfer techniques to provide the appropriate care.

Key words: Patient transfer, trauma patient, log roll, tools, techniques

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