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EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1217-1223

Wipo Worldwide Acadamy : A Model Worth Needed For India At National Level

Ajay Sharma.


Nature opposes vacuum and it does not play the game of dice .Every person, place, or thing is wisely put in this universe and has the potentiality to actualize itself. World Intellectual Property Right Organization Seems to be the incarnation of Mother Nature in the 20th century and its one of the important wing i.e. the WIPO World Wide Academy seems to be its power to make things actualize their potential. Intellectual Property is one of those areas where international community has worked together for a long time and in the last 20 years there has been remarkable progress in this collaboration. The main aim of WIPO is “to promote through international cooperation the creation, dissemination, use and protection of works of the human mind for the economic, cultural and social progress of all mankind.” After TRIPS Agreement, the scope of IP education and training has considerably enhanced with many IP reforms at the international sphere.

Key words: Nature, WIPO

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