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Dental Recordkeeping: Practice in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seila Cilovic-Lagarija, Nino Hasanica, Elma Sokic Begovic, Adisa Pestek, Ahmetagic, Milan Radojicic, Aida Ramic-Catak, Sanela Tukulija, Mediha Selimovic-Dragas.


Background: Dental documentation which includes main information about a patient and dental treatment provided is a very important asset of each dental office. Objective: This research aims to analyze the way of fulfilling and keeping mandatory dental records and periodic reporting forms by doctors of dental medicine in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H). Methods: The study was observational with a cross-sectional design using a questionnaire as a study tool. The questionnaire was distributed electronically to the participants working in public health care facilities and private practice. Results: A total of 426 Doctors of Dental Medicine (DDM) participated in the study, of whom 58.7% of respondents were employed in dental offices in the public health sector and 41.3% in dental offices in the private health sector. Dental records are filled out only manually by 53.5% of respondents, while 9.4% fill out the records only electronically, while 37.1% of respondents fill out records both manually and electronically. The manner of keeping dental documentation between respondents employed in dental offices in the public health sector and dental offices in the private health sector differs significantly (p

Key words: Dental Recordkeeping: Practice in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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