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Blood cellular, serum biochemical and organosomatic alterations in albino rats following sub-acute oral administration of varied doses of Pterocarpus santalinoides methanolic leaf extract.

Thelma Ebele Ihedioha, Isaac Uzoma Asuzu, Aruh Ottah Anaga, John Ikechukwu Ihedioha.


Background: Leaf extracts of Pterocarpus santalinoides are used in ethno-medicine for the treatment of liver diseases. This study evaluated the blood cellular, serum biochemical and organosomatic alterations associated with sub-acute oral administration of Pterocarpus santalinoides methanol leaf extract (PSMLE) to albino rats.
Methods: Leaves of P. santalinoides used for the study were collected from the tree in June 2018. Twenty female rats, randomly assigned into four groups (1 – 4) of five each, were used for the study. Group 1 rats (untreated control) were given distilled water placebo, while groups 2, 3 and 4 were treated orally with 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg PSMLE, respectively. Treatment was done daily for 28 days, after which blood samples were collected for haematology and blood biochemistry. The rats were humanely sacrificed and vital body organs were eviscerated and weighed.
Results: Serum total protein levels of groups 2 and 3 rats were significantly (p

Key words: Blood biochemistry; Haematology; Organosomatic indices; Pterocarpus santalinoides extract; Sub-acute toxicity.

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