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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2021; 7(1, Jan- June 2021): 21-26

Exploring the multidimensional potentials of Ayurveda fumigation formulations

Indu Sabu, Krishna Rao Sathya, Pradeep Kumar Parameswaran Pozhamkandathil, Purnendu Panda, Mruthymjaya Rao Meda.

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Introduction:The world is under trepidation of novel pandemics from time to time. Due to the precipitous spread and fatality of the disease the medical fraternity is looking into novel measures for its containment and cure. Maintenance of environmental sanitisation is a key factor that check the spread infections. Potential of medicated fumigation formulations (Dhupanayogas) mentioned in the Ayurveda classics can be explored as method of disinfection.

Methods: Classical Ayurveda textbooks were searched with focus on infection control, infectious disease management and applied aspects of Dhupana in different contexts. Electronic database search was done in peer reviewed journals using key words ‘Dhupana’, or ’Dhupana in Ayurveda’, or’ disinfection in Ayurveda, or ‘sterilization in Ayurveda’,and‘COVID-19’ in PMC, Google scholar and DHARA Portal. Data was analysed manually after critical review of available literature.

Results: The potential of Ayurveda drugs and formulations administered in the form of Dhupana has given optimistic result for their anti-microbial properties and infection control. Recent research has corroborated the anti-bacterial and anti-viral potentials of majority of the drugs used in Dhupanayogas. Apart from anti-microbial benefits, Dhupana can also exploited as a passive method of drug delivery of anti-pyretic and antitussive drugs.

Conclusion: Drugs of herbal, herbo-mineral or animal origin are dried, powdered and burnt to produce fumes to prevent and cure infections. The literature review reveals that drugs with anti-microbial, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties are incorporated in various fumigation formulations. Mostly, the drugs used are aromatic and rich volatile oils. The aromatic principles can stimulate Central Nervous System and helps in reducing production of stressors that can adversely affect immune system and bring about an emotional and spiritual balance. These are added benefits of Dhupana over conventional chemical disinfection.

Key words: Anti-microbial ,Ayurveda, Multidimensional, Dhupana , Infection control.

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