From Editors Desk
We welcome the new Rector Dr. Saleh Al-Mizil, at Majmaah University. He has a background as an extremely experienced Rector. We at Majmaah University are quite excited on his appointment.
Majmaah University center for Covid 19 vaccination was launched to help increasing number of the local population to get vaccinated during this pandemic, this was also to reduce the load on the Ministry of Health main center for vaccine. There was a high number of citizens and residents covered since the launch. It continues to be well managed by the Department of Medical Services. This vaccine center has also helped many students and the University faculty members to get their two doses of mandatory vaccines on time.
The faculty and students are back to college. They continue to maintain wearing of the face mask, social distancing and proper sanitization. There is a constant monitoring of all persons entering their respected buildings by the University security staff who are well equipped by thermals detectors placed right at the entry point. There is a constant monitoring of each lecture halls for making sure that social distancing is beaning maintained.
Dr. Khaid Mohammed Alabdulwahhab
Editor in Chief
Key words: Editorial