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Case Report

IJMDC. 2021; 5(11): 2016-2017

Psychosis associated with COVID-19 infection - a case report

Abdulsamad A. Aljeshi, Abdelrahim S. I. Abdelrahim, Mohammad A. Aljeshi.


Background: Evidence of psychiatric side effects of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), though rare, have been reported in several case reports.
Case Presentation: This case highlights the emergence of psychosis in a COVID-19 seropositive 32-year-old female patient immediately after receiving a positive polymerase chain reaction test result of COVID-19. After 8 days of admission and treatment with olanzapine, the patient was in complete remission.
Conclusion: Further investigation into the link between COVID-19 viral infections and the potential to elicit changes in the mental status of affected patients is warranted.

Key words: Psychosis, COVID-19, side-effects, case report

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