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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 1233-1248

A Pedagogical Proposal: Classification Of Pavement Types From An Othoimage Using Object-Oriented Analysis.

German Torrijos C., Miguel A. Ávila A., Jaime A. Benítez F..


The traffic in Bogotá City, capital of Colombia, is very high due to convergences of all transport system and constitutes by itself the commercial, cultural and industrial cen-ter of the country. Withurban growthand economic development ofthe city,thenumberofvehiclescirculatinginitisincreasing yearafteryear, mainlyinthe met-ropolitan region. Due to this phenomena, it’s been observed a deterioration in the road network of the city and it is necessary to search alternatives that can mitigate this problem.In this context, the central purpose of this research is to classify the types of pavements of urban roads in Bogotá, using orthoimages produced by the Ge-ographic Institute “Agustín Codazzi”, acquired by a high spatial resolution camera Vexcel UltracamD, in order to find an alteranative to map the roads that need to be re-stored. To evaluate the method, a study was developed in small downtown area using the OBIA (Object Based Image Analysis) approach implemented in Ecognition soft-ware. The results show that OBIA approach produces thematic map of the types of pavements of the study area with an accuracy of the 58,19% (Kappa).

Key words: Fuzzy function, Obia, Geobia, Object Orientated, Orthoimage.

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