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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7678-7686

One Card For Every Payment And Identification Purpose Using Near-Field Communication (Nfc) Technology

Ashutosh Dixit, Sandeep Sunori.


One's quality of life is significantly impacted by advancements in payment technologies. Future opportunities and difficulties are brought about by emerging payment systems. With throughput as its primary metric, contactless payment has gained popularity, especially with suppliers. However, because there is no reliable form of consumer verification, it does present dangers for issuers. In order to remove obstacles to business, it has been decided to create and maintain a well-managed, efficient, trustworthy, and secure unified payment system. a system and module for connecting two cards together Using near-field communication (NFC) technology, funds can be transferred digitally from one bank to another. With this method, all forms of payment and identification are satisfied without the need for actual cash.

Key words: Card , Payment , Purpose

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