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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8061-8066

Role Of Quality Of Life Of Among Mothers Having Children With Multiple Disabilities

Arul Joseph. E, Padmasundari.S.


Background and Purpose: Multiple disabilities is a complex developmental disorder which is fast growing in nature across the world. The intent of the study was to evaluate the Quality of Life (QOL) of mothers having children with multiple disabilities (MD). Methodology: The study used a purposive sampling technique and total sample of 60 mothers having children with multiple disabilities were included in the current study. The tool employed for the data collection was WHOQOL- BREF and the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, percentages, mean and standard deviations using SPSS 21.0. Results: The result depicted that 41% mothers demonstrated that poor quality of life while 30% showed their life in neither good nor bad. 21% mothers perceived their life is good and 5% mothers had very good quality of life and very few i.e 3% of mothers having children with multiple disabilities expressed very poor quality of life. Mothers having children with multiple disabilities displayed significant impairment in their quality of life especially in the area of Environmental and Psychological domain. Conclusion: Findings of the current study will be helpful in building intervention programs and policy making to enhance quality of life of mothers having children with multiple disabilities.

Key words: Mothers and children with multiple disabilities, Quality of Life

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