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Original Article

AJVS. 2021; 71(1): 133-140

Objective Structured Assessment of One-Day Surgical Suture Training Using a New Interactive Training Model

Alaa Ghazy, Seham Elkassas.


Objective: Evaluate the acquired surgical suture skills in veterinary medicine students after one-day training using new designed interactive surgical suture training (ISST) model. Methodology: 150 students were subjected to one-day surgical suture training. An objective structured assessment of technical skills (OSATS) task-specific checklist of 20 tasks was performed by three faculty members. A questionnaire was completed by each student. Results: tasks like square knot using hand tie, appropriate tension of knotting, correct edge distance, and equal spacing between sutures were well performed by final year students significantly. For other tasks, the final year student got better scores without distinct differences (P > 0.05). More than 90% of students confirmed the easy use of the ISST model and it simulated the real training. They strongly recommended the ISST training model. Conclusions: one-day surgical suture training was very suitable for undergraduate students; also the ISST model was convenient and easy to use during training. The OSATS’s checklist and the questionnaire were a reasonable way of objective assessment of surgical suture training. We suggest training surgical sutures on the ISST model and using the OSATS checklist with a questionnaire for training evaluation to all medical students and trainees.

Key words: Keywords Surgical, suture, model, objective, Assessment.

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