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Review Article

What do Young People Think About HPV and HPV Vaccination? The Role of Health Education Interventions and Health Professionals

Maria Iliadou, Kalliopi Sahini, Evanthia Sakellari, Maria Daglas, Eirini Orovou, Georgios Iatrakis, Evangelia Antoniou.


Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide and its highest prevalence is observed in adolescents and young adults. This review examined studies that explore awareness about HPV among adolescents and young adults, as well as their attitudes and willingness towards the HPV vaccine. Besides, the impact of health professionals and health education interventions on HPV awareness and attitudes towards HPV vaccine is identified. Objective: The aim of this review is, firstly, to systematically identify the studies that explore awareness about HPV among adolescents and young adults, as well as their attitudes and willingness towards the HPV vaccine. Secondly, the aim is to identify the impact of health professionals and health education interventions on HPV awareness and attitudes towards HPV vaccine among the same group. Methods: The systematic review was conducted in the international databases PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar, between 2016-2019. Results: The review revealed low to moderate levels of awareness and knowledge regarding HPV (10 studies), while a more favorable attitude towards the HPV vaccine (3 studies). The role of health professionals was ineffective (4 studies), while studies focused on the impact of health education interventions showed a positive impact on knowledge and awareness of HPV (4 studies). Conclusion: Continuous training of health personnel is necessary and new studies are needed to identify barriers to adolescents not being vaccinated.

Key words: HPV knowledge, HPV attitudes, adolescents, vaccination, health professionals, health education intervention programs.

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