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Case Report

Ovarian carcinosarcoma: A rare case of gynecologic malignancy

Justice Lady Lumanlan Chan, Jimmy Awisan Billod.

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Carcinosarcoma is a type of mixed malignant biphasic tumour which represents a rare entity and comprises both epithelial and mesenchymal components. It is a rare disease entity that accounts for 1-4% of all ovarian tumours. Presented in this paper is a case of gynecologic malignancy which is the ovarian carcinosarcoma which is of rare occurrence. A case of ovarian carcinosarcoma is elucidated in this paper as it discusses its clinicopathological characteristics and assesses the prognostic factors associated with treatment outcome and survival. A 62-year old woman presented with a 2-month history of abdominal enlargement, dyspnea, feeling of bloatedness and marked weight loss. Series of diagnostic examinations and procedures were done and of different impressions that have made the case of difficult diagnostic dilemma. The patient was initially diagnosed as a case Anaplastic carcinoma, who eventually underwent exploratory Laparotomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy wherein biopsy revealed poorly differentiated malignancy with primary consideration of Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma or Anaplastic carcinoma. The final diagnosis of which relied on the importance of immunohistochemical stains such as vimentin and cytokeratin to which vimentin yielded a positive result. A final diagnosis of ovarian carcinosarcoma was established. Due to the rare occurrence of ovarian carcinosarcoma, no standard treatment has yet been developed. Both primary and cytoreductive surgery and disease stages have been reported as significant prognostic factors. The treatment of such ovarian malignancy is optimal debulking surgery and chemotherapy either neoadjuvant or adjuvant.

Key words: Ovarian malignancy, Carcinosarcoma, Malignant mixed mesodermal tumor

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