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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5387-5395

A Study On The Financial Performance Of Regional Rural Banks

Mr. Partha Deb, Dr. Pawan Kumar Burad.


At present time, RRBs (Regional Rural Banks) plays a critical role in the growth of rural regions which basically consists of 2/3rd population in all over India. RRBs give facilities of timely credit and various essential services which needed for the assistance of the people of rural regions. The effectivity of rural finance highly relies on the finance potential and capability. At rural level, RRBs are the one of the most important and essential economic and financial organization which provides various useful facilities to the people of rural regions. This analysis and investigation is basically conducted on the basis of secondary source of information which was gathered from the yearly report of NABARD. So, it can be said that the economic and financial performances of RRBs has increased remarkably.

Key words: Regional Rural Banks, Financial Performance, Rural Areas, NABARD

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