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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5396-5403

A Study Of Constitutional And Legal Provisions Of Electoral Commission Powers In India

Namrata Nandkumar Nirgude, Dr. Pratima Bhardwaj.


In our country, India, we have an elected government. A government that is of, by, and for the people governs this democracy. According to the definition given, a government that is run entirely by its citizens is a "government of, by, and for the people." The people of India administer the country in an indirect manner, through their elected representatives. It is through the process of electing these representatives that the concept of election is introduced. The Constitution of India has provisions for elections, and this study examines and evaluates them. Furthermore, the study focuses on an essential issue that is missing from the Indian constitution's election requirements. In order to serve as a representative of the people and administer the government, one must have the bare minimum of qualifications. There are no specifics in this paper, but it does provide an overview of the rules that govern elections in India under the Constitution. There is no complicated legal jargon used in the debate, but rather an easy-to-understand explanation of the laws so that anybody, regardless of their background, may grasp the constitutional provisions for elections in India.

Key words: Democracy, government, representatives, election, fallacy, qualifications.

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