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IJMDC. 2021; 5(12): 2091-2097

Public awareness and attitude of first aid management of epilepsy in Al-Ahsa Region, Saudi Arabia

Suha Al-Bahrani, Zainab A. Al Dawood, Wejdan A. Almarzooq, Alaa B. Alali, Hanan S. Alabdulmuhsin, Abdulnasar M. Alherz, Sajjad M. AlHaddad.


Background: Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic non-communicable neurological disorder, affecting individuals. This study was conducted due to the lack of literature about first aid management of epilepsy in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia, Al Ahsa city. This study aimed to assess the public awareness and attitude about first aid management of epilepsy in Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in Al Ahsa region, eastern province, Saudi Arabia. An electronic self-administered questionnaire was distributed to collect the data.
Result: A total of 369 participants from Al-Ahsa region, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria, completed the study questionnaire. Female participants were 224 (60.7%) and 228 (61.8%) had university level of education or above. Only 30 (8.1%) participants had received training on how to deal with epilepsy attacks. Epilepsy as a neurologic disease was reported by 326 (88.3%) participants. Almost 176 (47.7%) told that opening the mouth and putting the gauze in it could be done to manage it and 182 (49.3%) reported that ensuring that the patient is safe and sought help. Around 239 (64.8%) participants said that they should lay the patient on his side and ask for help.
Conclusion: The current study revealed that public awareness and believes regarding epilepsy and its first aid management was good especially among females. There is a borderline relation between education level and awareness.

Key words: Epilepsy, seizure, first aid, cross sectional, Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia

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