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Psychological distress and life satisfaction in mothers of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder children

Nayla Ali, Raja Hejair, Eman Alekri, Haitham Jahrami.


Background: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder of childhood ADHD which is often comorbid with other psychiatric disorders. This disorder is a major public health problem with enormous negative impact on the child, the family schools, and society.

Objective: This study objective is to look into the relationship of attention-deficit hyperactivity symptom of children with psychological distress (i.e., depression, anxiety, and stress) and life satisfaction in their mothers.

Materials and Methods: The sample of the present study consisted of 27 mothers with ADHD children who were selected with children age range from 6 to 17, both male and female. These children diagnosed as having ADHD attending the Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Unit. The study design is a caseĀ–control research. The measures used were depression, anxiety, and stress scale-21 translated version, along with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), the Conners Parent and Teacher Rating Scale of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; parent version).

Results: A total of 27 mothers with ADHD children compared to 25 mothers with no ADHD children. The results show that there was more maternal depression (P = 0.001), anxiety (P = 0.001), and stress (P = 0.002), also less satisfaction with life (P = 0.002) compared to mothers with no ADHD children.

Conclusion: The results indicate that characteristics in children influence family distress and satisfaction with life. It means that mothers with ADHD children are at higher risk to develop psychological distress.

Key words: Maternal Distress; Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Conduct Problems; Emotional Problems; Difficulties; Family Impact; Satisfaction With Life; Medication

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