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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 733-735

Effects of cyriax manual therapy versus mulligan technique on pain and grip strength in patients with lateral epicondylitis

Nida Rajput, Salwa Atta.


Objective: To examine the effects of Cyriax manual therapy verses Mulligan technique on clinical outcomes in patients with lateral epicondylitis.
Methodology: This study include 66 patients from Gosha E Shifa Hospital who were randomized through computer number generator and were placed into group A and B. The two primary outcomes were measured i.e. Dynamometer for grip strength and Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation Questionnaire for functional outcomes. Patients were assessed before treatment i.e. t1, between treatment i.e. t2 and after treatment i.e. t3. The response rate of overall study was 91.33% thus complying with rule of 85% follow up.
Results: Pain score according to NPRS at baseline was 8, which dropped to 4.81±0.74 and 4.81±0.83 (p=1.0) in patients of group A and B, respectively at 4th week of treatment. Pain was recorded to be 1.93±0.74 and 1.70±0.79 (p=0.2) in group A and B, respectively at 8th week. Grip strength was 32.7±1.41 and 33.3±1.34 at Pre-treatment level (p=0.07), 42.1±1.30 and 38.6±2.82 at mid treatment level (p=0.00) and 53.5±2.13 & 42.3±1.97 at post treatment level (p=0.00).
Conclusion: Cyriax manual therapy and Mulligan both were equally effective in improving pain whereas Cyriax manual therapy improved grip strength better than mulligan technique.

Key words: Lateral epicondylitis, cyriax manual therapy, Mulligan technique.

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