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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 974-977

Comparing efficacy of APSQ-IV and it’s short German Version in determining patient safety awareness among medical students

Qudsia Nawaz, Akhtar Hussain, Humaira Tabassum, Mohammad Aimal Khan, Sadia Shafiq, Nazia Tufail.


Objective: To assess the efficacy of APSQ-IV and it’s short German Version in determining patient safety awareness among medical students.
Methodology: This cross-Sectional study was conducted among the students of final-year MBBS/BDS of CMH Lahore Medical College. Data were collected through convenience sampling, via online Google survey forms, and results were collected through Google form compiler.
Results: Total 100 students participated in study, with results showing significant correlation on all subscales.
Conclusion: We found the shorter version, comparable in assessment of patient safety awareness and recommend it to be used by busy clinicians in larger Hospitals before implementing a patient safety program.

Key words: Aptitude to Patient safety Questionnaire, APSQ, Healthcare professionals, Medical education, patient safety, science of patient safety

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