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Use of Papaya Plant (Carica papaya) Latex for Making Cottage Cheese from Cow Milk

Mst. Marzia Jesmin, Md. Abid Hasan Sarker, Mohammad Ashiqul Islam, Md. Harun-ur- Rashid, Mohammad Shohel Rana Siddiki.


The study was carried out on milk clotting activity of the crude proteolytic enzymes from different parts of papaya plant (Carica papaya). Cottage cheese was prepared using whole cow milk collected from Bangladesh Agricultural University Dairy Farm. Diluted papaya latex (4 drops in 100 ml distilled water) was added and thoroughly mixed for coagulation of milk from different parts of the papaya plant. The treatment samples were named as A: mature papaya; B: immature papaya; C: papaya tree leaf; D: lower part stem and E: upper part stem. In case of organoleptic evaluation it was observed that flavor, body and texture, finish, color, and total score were ranked non-significantly higher in cheese sample using latex from immature papaya B (93.34±0.45) than rest of the samples. In chemical analysis, significant (p

Key words: latex, cow milk, coagulation, cheese

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