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SJEMed. 2021; 2(1): 60-64

Accuracy among nurses in using COVID-19 visual triage in the Emergency Medicine Department of a Tertiary Hospital in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Horeya Falamarzi, Salah Alghanem, Ghada Alqassim, Shahnaz Almusaifer.


Background: The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and rapidly spread worldwide. The Bahrain National COVID Team has released a screening tool called Visual Triage to alert healthcare workers in the Kingdom of Bahrain about the possibility of occurrence of COVID-19 infections among patients presenting to healthcare facilities. The aim of this research is to identify the accuracy rate of nurses in using Visual Triage and to evaluate points of improvement among nurses using the Visual Triage system.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a scenario-based questionnaire in the Emergency Department (ED) of Bahrain Defense Force Hospital in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The participants were all Visual Triage nurses and ED triage nurses. The data collected through the self-administered questionnaires were analyzed using Excel and SPSS version 26 programs.
Results: The number of nurses who participated was 57. Nurses rated 66.89% of the cases correctly. There was no difference in the rate of accuracy between emergency triage nurses and Visual Triage nurses. Years of experience did not affect the accuracy rate of using Visual Triage. A comparison was made between nurses with different levels of education, and the highest accuracy was obtained by those who held a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. Nurses who had received education about Visual Triage had a higher rate of accuracy than those who had not. In choosing the appropriate destination, nurses rated 64.02% of the cases correctly.
Conclusion: The accuracy of nurses in using Visual Triage can be improved if factors leading to inaccuracy can be adjusted. The findings of this study could be used as a guide for improvement.

Key words: Visual Triage, emergency, COVID-19, coronavirus, nurses

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