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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 7487-7501

Prevention of Noise Pollution: In the Light of Islamic Perspective, an overview

Junaid Akbar, Muhammad Hayat Khan, Dr. Abzahir Khan.


One of the major problems faced by humanity now a days is Noise Pollution. Several studies have been conducted on environmental pollution but a few of them highlight the religious teachings for prevention of noise pollution. This study intends to discuss noise pollution and its solutions in Islamic perspective. Evidence from Qur’ān and sunnah and fatāwa of renowned scholars are discussed in detail. This article concludes that according to Islamic teachings, loud voices are undesirable, whether the loudness of voice is individual or collective, and this ruling applies to all kinds of matters, be it worship or other social matters. It recommends that it’s the prime responsibility of government to bring awareness about noise pollution to public and impose ban upon all the political and religious gatherings where the noise can affect the public.

Key words: pollution, noise pollution, Islamic perspective, religious gatherings, political gatherings, fatawa

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