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Review Article

Quality assessment of frozen mackerel fish (Scomber Scombrus) sold in some selected cold stores in Makurdi metropolis

Orngu Africa Orngu, Eke Mike Ojotu, Gbaa Stephen Terpase.


Quality assessment of frozen mackerel fish sold in some selected cold stores in Makurdi metropolis was carried out using sensory, microbiological and chemical methods of evaluation. The frozen mackerel fish samples assessed in the three cold stores were all sensory acceptable in the range: of appearance (4.3-5.0), texture (3.0-4.0), Odor (3.7-4.4) and general acceptability (3.5-4.5). The total viable count was also within safe limits of 2.7 × 104 cfu/g, 4.1× 104 cfu/g and 9.0 × 104cfu/g. Total fungal and coliform count examination showed no growth. Chemical analysis revealed results in the range: moisture (66.50-70.29%), protein (16.22-19.29%), fat (11.34-12.20%), ash (1.33-1.43%), carbohydrate (0.68-0.79%), pH (6.1-7.0) and total volatile nitrogen (26.64-30.7). Total volatile nitrogen analysis showed frozen mackerel fish from cold stores in the North bank were stale.

Key words: Frozen mackerel fish, Cold stores, Quality assessment

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