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Original Article

AJVS. 2020; 67(1): 39-46

Economic Impact of Broiler Diseases on National Income of Egypt

Ayman N. Swidan, Sanad T. Atallah, Eman M. El-Ktany.


This study was carried-out on collected data from records of Hubbared breed broiler farms during the periods extended from 2008 to 2019 to investigate how the broiler diseases hamper affect economic progress and consequently National income of Egypt.
The results concluded that, the higher level of economic losses of dead broilers observed in diseases of avian influenza 24461.20/LE /10000 broilers whereas, salmonellosis infection showed the lower weight losses of dead broilers; reached to 5112.20/LE/ 10000 broilers. While, the losses of dead broilers observed in farms infected with Newcastle, gumboro and coccidiosis diseases reached to 13068.00, 15812.40, 6556 Kg/10000 marketed broilers, respectively. The higher level of economic losses resulted from dead broilers observed during the years of 2015, 2013, 2012 as the economic losses level reached to 33739.20, 18526.20, 15213 lE/ 10000 broilers, respectively. The results also, cleared that, the losses of broiler diseases due to mortalities resulted from broiler diseases constituted about 52 % from the total animal income in Egypt.

Key words: Broiler, Egypt, National income, diseases

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