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NJE. 2021; 28(3): 15-19

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Creep Behavior of Polypropylene and Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Particulate Composites for Dental Implant

Rayyan Mamuda Dodo,K. A. Bello,U. Shehu,U. Abdullahi,F. Asuke,A. H. Sabo.


This report outlines the study of polypropylene (PP) with sugarcane bagasse ash particulate (SBAP) as filler for dental implant while examining the glass Transition temperatures and creep behaviour using Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA). From the results, it can be inferred that SBAP had a pronounce impact on dynamic viscoelasticity and creep behaviour of the composites. Appreciable increase in storage modulus noted at 10, 30 and 50% wt addition which is a strong indication of the reinforcing effects of the filler. The glass transition temperature linked with the damping capability rise up with the filler additions. Although, 30 %wt reinforcement has a negative influence on the creep resistance, but a moderate decrease in creep strain is obvious with increased filler proportion. Since the creep deformation exhibited by the developed composites is within the acceptable limit (below 3%) of the American Dental Association, then, the composites could be recommended for dental implant.

Key words: polypropylene; composite; sugarcane bagasse ash; dental implant

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