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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8078-8088

Implementation Of Security Issues In Routing Algorithm In MANET And Other Digital Communication System

Santosh Prasad Singh.


Implementation of Mobile unplanned network in retail business at a lower cost. While the retail industry begins to embrace this new technology and install in mobile ad-hoc wireless network. the problems of security become highly challenging to both public and personal organizations. This paper will discuss the problems with a scientific approach to deal with the safety of mobile unplanned network infrastructure. We present some cost efficient but effective solutions to enhance the safety supported the economic standards and leading edge technology. From these algorithm can ready to determine the malicious attackers correctly from the source to destination. Also analyze the performance of the whole network using simulation parameters like packet delivery ratio and routing overhead. The fifth generation of Wi-Fi and new standards of telecommunication protocols enable the implementation of Mobile unplanned network in retail business at a lower cost. While the retail industry begins to embrace this new technology and install a Wi-Fi hotspot in their stores and shopping carts, the problems of security become highly challenging to both public and personal organizations. This paper will discuss the problems with a scientific approach to deal with the safety of mobile unplanned network infrastructure. We present some cost efficient but effective solutions to enhance the safety supported the economic standards and leading edge technology.

Key words: Security, Unplanned Network, Mobile Commerce.

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