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IJMDC. 2022; 6(1): 80-85

Knowledge, the extent of awareness, and attitudes toward hemorrhoids in Makkah population, Saudi Arabia

Mohannad Hamdi, Yousra AlTurki, Rawaan Almajnoni, Abdulrahim Almasabi, Atheer Alwafi.


Background: Hemorrhoids are disorders characterized by symptomatic enlargement and distal displacement of the anal canal. It is a worldwide common anorectal disorder that increases with age. The present study aims to determine the knowledge, the extent of awareness, and attitudes toward hemorrhoids in the Makkah population, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted among the general population who resides in Makkah region, aged 18 years or older. The data were collected using an online questionnaire designed by Google forms distributed electronically via Social media. The questionnaire covered demographical data and history of having hemorrhoid disease, general information about the knowledge, awareness, and attitude toward hemorrhoids.
Results: Among 417 of the participants surveyed, (64%) had a poor level of awareness regarding hemorrhoids. More than 60% of the participants were considered to have a good level of awareness. A significant relationship was found between income and history of hemorrhoids when linked with the level of awareness. Fifty percent of the participants considered tradition a barrier when they have hemorrhoids and want to see a doctor.
Conclusion: The present study found a lack of knowledge and awareness among the general population of Makkah city about hemorrhoid causes, preventive measures, and complications of hemorrhoids. This warrants the need for raising the level of awareness of Makkah residents through awareness programs and campaigns.

Key words: Knowledge, awareness, attitude, hemorrhoids, Makkah

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