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Review Article

History of Pharmacy Described in the Books and Articles Stored in Libraries, Museums and Scientific Databases

Izet Masic, Armin Skrbo, Tarik Catic, Aziz Sukalo.


Background: For many years, pharmacy and medicine were inseparable sciences, so everything that was done in the field of medicine, that is, treatment, can be related to pharmacy. The history of pharmacy therefore also includes the history of medicine, at least until the 13th century, when pharmacy was officially separated from medicine. Objective: The aim of this study was: to describe the books and monographs that are available on the Internet, which deal with the study of the history of Pharmacy; and to show pharmaceutical history museums around the world and their unique collections of pharmaceutical artifacts. Methods: During the preparation of this paper, a descriptive method of analysis from the available literature was used. The analysis of available literature included professional books, monographs, articles and other literature available on online browsers. Results and Discussion: Today there are a large number of societies, academies, associations and foundations dealing with the history of pharmacy. Also, a lot of books, monographs and scientific papers published in on-line databases. The goal of each organization is the research of historical facts in the field of pharmacy and medicine that will be shared with professionals, but also persons who are not from the profession (doctors, librarians, archaeologists, archivists). A large number of museums have been opened for the history of pharmacy, and almost every developed country has such a museum. Such museums represent a national treasure, because they preserve the valuables of pharmacy from the territory of the country, as well as the world.

Key words: History, Pharmacy, On-line Scientific databases, Museums of Pharmacy.

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