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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 677-680

Educational challenges and their influence on online teaching methods in Pakistani students during COVID 19 era

Maryam Panhwar, Shazia Parveen Rajpar, Qaiser Ali Baig, Eisha Abrar, Kantesh Kumar, Mustafa Naseem.


Objective: To investigate online classes experience of students to find their acceptance for non-traditional way of learning due to lockdown of educational institutes and impact of online classes on Pakistani students during COVID 19.
Methodology: This cross-sectional survey was done on 228 students from different institutes of Pakistan from April to June 2020. We used 13 online questionnaires in Google form. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21.
Results: Out of 228 students, 54 were males and 174 females. Age ranged from 18 to 34 years (mean 21.34±2.051). Majority (52.4%) of students were from Government institutes and 47.6% from private institutes. Chi-Square tests were applied to assess the relation of student’s response with respect to gender and professional educational level. The present study reported no significant relationship (rho-0.2), (p=0.14).
Conclusion: Outbreak of COVID-19 has made a significant distraction in academic activities. Although a proportion of students using online platforms were well familiar with it but majority were facing a huge challenge in online learning.

Key words: Covid-19,lock down, online education, Pakistani students.

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