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Case Report

A case of spontaneous conception after hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HYFOSY) tubal flushing in subfertile woman

Amalia Savvidi, Socrates Megoulas, Mihail Tziolas.

Cited by 0 Articles

Checking the fallopian tubes patency is a staple at managing subfertile women. Hysterosalpingo Foam Sonography (HyFoSy) is an alternative for Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy) using foam as a media. The studies that are published so far show that the accuracy of the HYFOSY technique is the same, if not better than HSG, or HYCOSY. It is possible to help occluded fallopian tubes regain partial patency, by flushing the foam media. This is a case of a 34-year-old subfertile woman, with Hashimoto and PCOS who was trying to conceive for 1 year with unprotected coordinated intercourse. We performed HYFOSY to evaluate the tubal patency the 7th day of the cycle and photos were taken using the transvaginal ultrasound. Both fallopian tubes were occluded and no media was found at the space of Douglass. At the cycle after the HYFOSY, the patient had a spontaneous conception and she has so far a healthy pregnancy. The rates of spontaneous conception after HYFOSY tubal flushing, are being revised at the medical community. Although, the mechanism of how this is achieved is not known, yet.

Key words: subfertility, HYFOSY, tubal flushing

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