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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(4): 261-266

Knowledge and behavior of dentists, and practice modifications in response to the outbreak of novel COVID-19 in dentists of Pakistan.

Nosheen sarwar,Saba Ansar,Momminah Qamar sarwar.


Objectives: The current study is conducted to assess the knowledge and behaviour of dentists in Pakistan and various practice modifications adopted in response to the current outbreak of COVID-19.
Material and method: Well-constructed online questionnaires were distributed among 300 subjects including dental students (3rd year and 4th year), house surgeons, and dental surgeons of two public hospitals of Punjab, Pakistan.
Results: 90% of dentists are afraid of getting the infection and reluctant to continue their dental practice. Most of the dentists 95% are aware of the mode of transmission of disease and follow WHO guidelines but still a large number of dentists are in fear and anxious to perform only emergency dental procedures.
Conclusion: Most dentists resume their dental practice by following WHO new guidelines related to practice in COVID -19 outbreak but still a significant number of dentists close their dental practice for an indefinite period due to anxiety and fear of being ill or got infected by COVID-19.

Key words: anxiety and fear, practice modifications, outbreak, COVID-19, knowledge and behavior

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