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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 936-939

Donor selection and deferral pattern for safe blood transfusion in a tertiary care hospital

Sadia Taj, Ayesha Ehsan, Sheharbano Imran, Saira Moin, Ayaz Lone, Qasim Ahmed.


Objective: To evaluate the donor selection and deferral pattern for safe blood transfusion in a tertiary care hospital.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted in Blood Bank, Department of Pathology, Fatima Memorial Hospital College of Medicine and Dentistry from May 2019 to June 2020. A total of 8549 blood donors/apheresis donors aged between 17 to 60 years were included in the study.
Results: Out of 8549 whole blood/ apheresis donors, 350 (4.1%) were platelet apheresis donors and 8199 (95.91%) whole blood donors. There were 8420 (98.49%) males and 129 (1.51%) females. In permanently deferred donors, the main causes were HCV positivity (9.4%) and VDRL positivity 7.95(%).
Conclusion: Hepatitis C was most frequent permanent cause of donor deferral in our setting.

Key words: Donor selection, blood transfusion, deferral pattern, hepatitis C.

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