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The EMIRATES Framework: Emergency Management Integrated Roadmap Aimed Towards Every Healthcare System A conceptual framework

Saleh Fares.


Healthcare systems play a key role in the response to everything from day-to-day events to overwhelming disasters. There are common challenges worldwide which include the presence of multiple players, a lack of clarity with regard to the chain of command, the absence of important components to make the system work, and a lack of specialized training and education. Given these challenges, the ability to respond adequately requires an integrated emergency management system. Several countries may have different components of the emergency services but occasionally not well integrated. The Emergency Management Integrated Roadmap Aimed Toward Every healthcare System framework is a simplified conceptual framework to help the healthcare decision-makers in different systems to plan the approach to any day-to-day emergencies or disasters with a structured system that can be customized further according to their needs.

Key words: Emergency, emergency management, disaster, mass casualty incident, disaster management, integrated, health care, roadmap, conceptual framework

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