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Case Report

IJMDC. 2021; 5(12): 2175-2177

Kleine-Levin syndrome with unusual neuropsychiatric presentation in an adolescent boy: case report from Saudi Arabia

Ammar Hakami, Jnadi Madkhali, Hasan Daghriri, Alshaymaa Arishy, Mohmmed Hakami, Yousif Yousif.


Background: KleineĀ–Levin syndrome (KLS) is an extremely rare disorder, characterized by episodic hypersomnia that mainly affects adolescent males, associated with disinhibited behavior, eating disorder, altered perception, disturbed mood, or cognition, with no symptoms between episodes.
Case Presentation: A 16-year-old boy was presented with episodes of excessive sleepiness, visual hallucination, and aggressive mood for 2 years. The patient was clinically diagnosed as a case of KLS and was managed by carbamazepine and showed a dramatic response shortly after administration.
Conclusion: This case adds to the literature of KLS in Saudi Arabia and sheds light on the cultural variations expected among patients with KLS from around the world.

Key words: Hypersomnia, visual hallucination, disinhibited behavior, Kleine-Levin syndrome, Saudi Arabia

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