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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 978-981

From post-traumatic grief to growth; Case studies of Shaheed’s wives

Syeda Nida Batool, Tanvir Akhtar.


Objective: To understand those causes and factors that helped the families to move from phases of grief to growth.
Methodology: In this qualitative case study, combining interviews with open ended and unstructured questionnaires were used. The sample is based on five wives of Shaheed who died for the National cause for the country. Thematic analysis was used in interpreting and analyzing the results. These themes were extracted from interviews and their frequency was calculated and summarized.
Results: Qualitative analysis showed themes of shock, sadness and grief but on the other hand there were also positive feelings attached to the loved ones of Shaheed i.e. honor and pride for family. However, the role of society is very ambivalent. On one hand it’s a reason of pride but on the other hand pity for the family.
Conclusion: Spirituality, personality characteristics and growth factors plays an important role in helping an individual to come out of grief and to move towards growth. Ambivalent role of society and financial issues causes are hurdles in growth of a Shaheed’s wife.

Key words: Grief, spirituality, psychosocial factors.

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