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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 8089-8105

Different Facets Of Caste-Based Atrocities

Soman. P. Mamkuttathil, Dr. N. Krishna Kumar.


Indian society is highly stratified with many glaring inequalities among different socio-economic groups. Undereducated, severely impoverished, and brutally exploited, Dalits struggle to provide for even their most basic daily needs. Their children are subjected to human rights abuses as well. These children are common victims of bonded labour practices, even though bonded labour is outlawed in India. When their families become indebted to moneylenders to pay for emergency health services or daily sustenance needs, their children are often forced to work off these debts. Due to the purposefully low wages these children are paid, they can rarely ever earn enough money to pay back their debts and break free from their labour obligations. Additionally, Dalit girls are often selected for the practice of devadasi, or marriage to temple deities. As part of devadasi, these girls must serve in the temple and perform sexual services for temple workers. In the private sector, even educated among them struggle to succeed. Although Indian laws are now supposed to protect them from degradation, the reality of Dalits’ lives has scarcely changed.

Key words: Assault, atrocity, beggar, bonded labour, caste, dalit.

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