Spinal anesthesia patients have a risk of hypotension as a result of decreased vascular tonus and venous pooling. Especially elderly patients may not tolerate this condition. Therefore, it is important to predict hypotension in elderly patients and to take precautions. In our study, the ability of the basal perfusion index (PI) to predict the incidence of hypotension in geriatric patients was tested. 80 patients over 65 years of age who were operated under spinal anesthesia were included in this study. Preoperative PI values, preoperative and after anesthesia systolic arterial pressure values were compared. High PI measurements of the patients can be interpreted as an indication that systolic blood pressure measurements will be low after spinal anesthesia (r = -0.155 p = 0.041). However, it was concluded that PI value is not a useful test for routine use in predicting hypotension. Although PI may be affected by fluid status, vascular tone or sympathetic activities of patients, with preoperative use of PI, A correlation between PI and systolic blood pressure may be guiding in perioperative follow-up. In fact, complications can be reduced by considering the signs of PI.
Key words: Spinal anesthesia, hypotension, perfusion index.